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Posts Tagged ‘Pentecost Offering’

Monique Spells joins Disciples fleet of leaders launching new church projects

Monique Spells

It was a meeting that Monique Spells attended at a Disciples General Assembly a few years ago that inspired her to launch a new church project.

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New Church Pastor shares Disciples word with Chuukese People — From St. Joseph, Missouri to Micronesia

Starting a church in St. Joseph, Missouri is quite a distance from IS Phillik’s home town of Chuuk State, one of four states located in the Federated States of Micronesia. As a matter of fact, Chuuk Christian Church is located approximately 7,103 miles from this western Pacific nation.

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Resources available online for Pentecost Offering

Pentecost offering slider

Pentecost offering slider

Your church was new once! Do you remember when your church held its very first service? Disciples congregations are invited to reflect and celebrate their church’s beginning when this year’s Pentecost Offering is collected on Sundays, June 1 and June 8.

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