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Disciples ministries partner with Hope at Leadership Academy

Posts Tagged ‘leadership academy’

National ministry leaders attend Leadership Academy held in Indianapolis

Hope website leadership academy banner

Hope website leadership academy banner

INDIANAPOLIS, September 19, 2014 — Courageous leadership requires you to walk a difficult, unpopular and sometimes dangerous path. The work of a ministerial leader can be thankless and lonely.

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Hope Partnership and NBA team up on new Leadership Academy track

Leadership Academy 2014

Leadership Academy 2014Registration closes on Sunday, August 24, 2014

More faith leaders want to launch new social-service ministries to benefit their communities, but they may not know how to start.

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New Church Pastor shares Disciples word with Chuukese People — From St. Joseph, Missouri to Micronesia

Starting a church in St. Joseph, Missouri is quite a distance from IS Phillik’s home town of Chuuk State, one of four states located in the Federated States of Micronesia. As a matter of fact, Chuuk Christian Church is located approximately 7,103 miles from this western Pacific nation.

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