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DCEF and Hope Partnership Boards of Directors approve 2018 budget and elect new directors

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Cana Fund supports a church’s transformational experience


In the past, the small congregation of Henson Valley Christian Church in Ft. Washington, Md., could be characterized as inward looking and not closely connected to the changing community that surrounded them.

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New church movement has new leader

Terrell L McTyer

Hope Partnership is pleased to announce that Terrell McTyer is joining the ministry as minister of New Church Strategies, effective August 1, 2016.

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Ecumenical partnership raised to the next level

Michael Whitman

In the past eight years, hundreds of Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations have participated in a process called New Beginnings, developed and offered initially by Church Extension and now by Hope Partnership, that helps congregations assess their current condition, strengths and opportunities as they seek to answer the question,

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New Beginnings congregation has renewed purpose

Greenfield Christian Church in Greenfield, Ind

Greenfield Christian Church in Greenfield, Ind., has a “connector bridge,” an enclosed walkway designed to provide protection from the elements as people move from one area of the church to another.

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Monique Spells joins Disciples fleet of leaders launching new church projects

Monique Spells

It was a meeting that Monique Spells attended at a Disciples General Assembly a few years ago that inspired her to launch a new church project.

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